
Boating At Lake Saguaro

We finally got the boat fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!! So on the last week of summer we took it out twice to saguaro lake. We had so much fun. The kids went in the raft a lot and my dad even skied once "Ha i don't have to do that for twenty more years!"is what he said after his wild ride. He proved he could still ski. It took mom a while to get his head up out of the water but still, he did it! Did you know that you have to by a boating pass in town????? You can't buy them at the lake. My dad was so surprised he said " What the lake ain't free anymore??" :) Well it's not and dad didn't know that so we took our chances and went without a boating pass. The sign said cars without boating passes will be ticketed. But we didn't even get caught! Crazy us!